Category Archives: Apple

iPhone users update to iOS7 for its new security feature

To all of our clients, friends, family, if you have an iPhone 4 and above, it is recommended to upgrade to iOS7.  One of the greatest improvements comes from its security stand point.  Lost or stolen iPhones pop up in the black market all the time.  Remove a SIM card, pop in your own and you’re often good to go.  It also fetches a decent amount of money in the grey market as well.

iOS7 introduces activation lock.  Upon wiping/locking a phone via Find My iPhone – anyone who either steals or finds your phone will require a) to login with your iCloud information.

We haven’t seen a lot of blatant iPhone thefts in the islands but we’ve seen stolen iPhones on the grey market or listed at various online market places.  Check out the official Apple website on iCloud: Find My iPhone for more info.

New iPhone being released tomorrow morning

Apple’s holding a special event to unveil the latest iPhone which will include an iPhone 5C which I believe stands for cheap?  I’m not entirely sure what the C denotes but if I had to guess it would be for cheap (I doubt this is the official name of the iPhone 5C).

Also Anker Products confirmed the iPhone 5Cs existence by posting a case for it this evening on their Facebook page.  I’m not sure if the NDA lifted but I’m guessing it has since they all but confirmed the iPhone 5Cs existence.  It isn’t a huge secret as leaks have been coming out little by little for quite some time now.  Anyways enjoy tomorrow’s news.

Apple released iOS 6.1.1 today

“This update fixes an issue that could impact cellular performance and reliability for iPhone 4S.”

That was the main information posted on the Apple support website for iOS 6.1.1.

Apparently it does not compromise the latest Jailbreak for iOS6 devices, evasi0n.